The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die
《七王喪鐘》Alexander Dreymon reprises his lead role as the great warrior Uhtred of Bebbanburg, who must ride once more across a fractured kingdom with several of the series’ much-loved returning characters, as they battle alongside, and against, new allies and enemies. Following the death of King Edward, a battle for the crown ensues, as rival heirs and invaders compete for power. And when an alliance comes seeking Uhtred’s help in their plans, Uhtred faces a choice between those he cares for most, and the dream of forming a united England.
你聽過「七王駕崩、不列顛團結」的預言嗎?改編自攻佔62個國家、收視排行榜Top 10的人氣影集《最後的王國》,Netflix即將上線的史詩電影《七王喪鐘》Seven Kings Must Die,故事將聚焦於愛德華國王駕崩後,貝班堡的烏特雷德將與盟友一起踏上冒險征途,穿過分崩離析的王國,志在統一英格蘭。4月14日最後決戰!
同樣出自影集《最後的王國》製作團隊的冒險電影《七王喪鐘》,邀請德國男星亞歷山大卓拉蒙(Alexander Dreymon)繼續詮釋男主角貝班堡的烏特雷德(Uhtred of Bebbanburg),英國男星哈利吉爾比(Harry Gilby)擔綱領銜演出艾索斯坦(Athelstan),而來自蘇格蘭的男星馬克羅利(Mark Rowley),則是負責演繹烏特雷德的好搭檔、愛爾蘭的戰士Finan。