《天涯何處有芳草》Zeynep Altin is at the end of her rope: she's overworked and underappreciated by her husband, daughter and aging father, and to top it all off, the funeral home has just put her beloved deceased mother in a man’s suit instead of her favourite dress. It’s the final straw for Zeynep, who escapes Munich for the Croatian island cottage her mother secretly bought years ago, hoping to get some peace and quiet and find herself again. If only the former owner of the cottage, a rugged islander called Josip, wasn’t still living on the very same plot of land...
老娘不幹了!《天涯何處有芳草》慕尼黑大媽娜歐蜜克勞斯小島long stay
即將上線的浪漫電影《天涯何處有芳草》,邀請瑞士女星娜歐蜜克勞斯(Naomi Krauss)、克羅埃西亞男星葛朗波格丹(Goran Bogdan)領銜主演,由執導過《失眠的北風吹來愛情》德國女導演凡妮莎喬普(Vanessa Jopp)擔綱執導。
《天涯何處有芳草》的劇情主要敘述薛妮裴奧登(娜歐蜜克勞斯 飾演)因工作過勞而瀕臨崩潰邊緣,然而丈夫、女兒和年邁的父親卻對她絲毫不感激,就連最敬愛的母親過世後葬儀社還弄錯衣服,原本應該套上母親生前最愛的洋裝,最後竟然換成男人的西裝。
這件事成了壓垮薛妮裴的最後一根稻草,她只好逃離慕尼黑、搬到克羅埃西亞的一座小島,躲在母親多年前偷偷買下的農舍,想要過上平靜安詳的生活,重新找回自己,只不過粗獷的前屋主約瑟卜(葛朗波格丹 飾演)仍住在同一塊土地上⋯⋯