《金磚香》In Chartres, the Breuil family, at the helm of a major perfume group, reigns over the city from generation to generation. Still in Chartres, but light-years away from this world of luxury, Daniel Sauveur can no longer bear the Breuil's ostentatious wealth and resorts to petty schemes to get by. When the project he planned with his childhood friend is sabotaged by the group, he has only one thing on his mind: revenge. He manages to get hired at the family factory and convinces his colleagues to steal a portion of the stock. With the same objective in mind: to bring down the most powerful dynasty in town...

一個簡單的香水,卻能激發出無窮的情感。即將於Netflix上線的法國劇情片《金磚香》Gold Brick,邀請知名影星Andy Garcia、Megan Fox、以及Oscar Isaac共同出演,講述一個簡單的男子如何對抗豪門家族的欺壓,並選擇走向復仇的道路。台灣地區將於2023年7月6日上線,敬請期待!
《金磚香》的劇情主要描述在Chartres的Breuil家族,他們掌管著一個大型香水集團,世世代代都在這個城市中稱霸。然而,在Chartres的另一邊,世界與奢華生活有著光年之遙的Daniel Sauveur,他再也無法忍受Breuil家族的炫耀富豪生活,並且開始計畫一些小小的陰謀來謀生。當他和童年朋友的計劃被這個集團破壞時,他的腦海中只有一件事:復仇。
